Trading Candlesticks
Options Trading (ADVANCED)
Equity Options are some of the most unique derivative instruments in the world. They can provide great protection against risk while at the same time creating incredible leverage opportunities that make Futures & 100x Crypto trading seem meaningless. In mastering the utilization of options, you become savvy enough with your trades to make smarter choices, even when the market is in its most unpredictable state. Mastering Option trading creates incredible confidence that is unmatched by most other forms of trading. This confidence gives you the luxury of making trades without having your eyes glued to a screen all day.
Though definitely complex, Options are not impossible to learn if taught correctly. This two-day intensive webinar will introduce Options in a comprehensive way and explain how to best utilize these tools to lower risk, take on directional and direction-neutral trading, and be an overall more well-rounded & confident trader.